
We Are Ready For Your Beautiful Home

Mood Cream Frame Rug – 212 x 140

Mood Cream Frame Rug

Mood vintage rug fine quality. Mood is a rare and very fine handmade Persian rug style. It is a beautiful cream coloured with intricate frame design. Each frame has a different pattern in them, making it unique is very cohesive.

SKU: 100752 (52)

Size: 212 x 140

CATEGORY: Traditional

Price: $3,500

Mood Rugs are very fine handmade Persian rug style that is produced in eastern Iran. Mood rugs are made under strict quality control conditions. These fine rugs commonly have a beautiful and intricate overall repeating pattern covering whole areas.

They have intricate patterns which makes the space it in laid in look bigger. The patterns are very detailed and a lot of craftsmanship can be seen in these design.

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